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Learn How to Create Free Body Diagrams with Khan Academy's Free Online Tutorial

Learn How to Create Free Body Diagrams with Khan Academy's Free Online Tutorial

Are you struggling with understanding the concept of Free Body Diagrams? Are you tired of scouring the internet for explanations that just don't seem to click? Look no further! Khan Academy has got you covered with their comprehensive and easy-to-understand tutorial on Free Body Diagrams.

But wait, what exactly are Free Body Diagrams and why are they important in physics? Well, simply put, Free Body Diagrams are visual representations used to analyze the forces acting on an object. They help us to understand the motion of objects and calculate the net force acting on them. Pretty useful, right?

If you're still feeling a bit lost, don't worry. Khan Academy breaks down the concept of Free Body Diagrams step by step, starting with basic definitions and building up to more complex examples. Their interactive format allows you to try out practice problems and quizzes to test your understanding along the way.

One of the great things about Khan Academy's tutorial is their use of real-life examples. They show how Free Body Diagrams can be applied to everyday scenarios such as pushing a lawn mower or jumping on a trampoline. This not only makes the concept easier to grasp but also shows how physics is relevant in our daily lives.

But what sets Khan Academy's tutorial apart from others is their dedication to making sure you truly understand the material. They include multiple videos, diagrams, and even a discussion forum where you can ask questions and get answers from both Khan Academy staff and fellow learners.

And let's talk about the best part - it's completely free! No more expensive textbooks or costly tutors. With Khan Academy, you have access to a world-class education at your fingertips, anytime and anywhere.

But maybe you're thinking, I don't have time for this. I need to focus on my other classes. Well, here's a stat for you - according to a study by the National Science Foundation, students who take just one physics course in high school are more likely to graduate college on time. So, investing time now in understanding Free Body Diagrams can pay off in the long run.

But don't just take my word for it. Check out Khan Academy's tutorial on Free Body Diagrams for yourself and see how it can benefit you. Don't let physics be something to dread, let it become something to embrace and excel at with the help of Khan Academy.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards mastering Free Body Diagrams and start learning with Khan Academy today!

Do you wish to learn more about free body diagrams? Perhaps you are struggling with physics or engineering courses, or maybe you want to understand forces better. If this is the case, then Khan Academy is just the place for you!


Khan Academy is an educational website that provides free online classes in multiple subjects. It is an invaluable resource for students, especially those interested in science or math. One of the most helpful and well-explained lessons on Khan Academy is the free body diagram.

What is a Free Body Diagram?

A free body diagram is a visual representation of all the forces acting on an object. These diagrams show the magnitudes and directions of all the forces and are used to find the net force acting on an object. The net force is essential to determine whether an object will move, be at rest, or change direction.

The Process

To create a free body diagram, follow these simple steps:

1. Draw a dot to represent the object in question.

2. Draw an arrow for each force acting on the object.

3. Label the forces with their names and magnitudes and indicate their directions.


For instance, suppose there is a book resting on a table. The weight of the book acts downwards, exerting a force of 10N on the table. Meanwhile, the table exerts an upward force of 10N on the book. To make the free body diagram, we would draw a dot representing the book and draw two arrows- one pointing upwards, representing the force exerted by the table, and the other pointing downwards, representing the book's weight. The arrows would be labeled with their magnitudes (10N) and directions.

Why are Free Body Diagrams Important?

Free body diagrams are essential for understanding physics problems since they enable us to visualize the forces acting on an object. They serve as a foundation for calculating the net force acting on an object and determining whether it will move or not. Understanding free body diagrams can lead to success in physics-related courses and careers.

Further Applications of Free Body Diagrams

Free body diagrams are used in other engineering fields as well. For instance:

1. In civil engineering- they are used to determine the forces on buildings by wind, earthquakes, or other environmental factors.

2. In aeronautical engineering- free body diagrams aid in understanding the forces acting on airplanes through air resistance and gravity.

Khan Academy's Free Body Diagram Lessons

Khan Academy offers comprehensive lessons that cover various aspects of free body diagrams. The lessons include:

1. An Introduction to Free Body Diagrams: This lesson provides a basic understanding of free body diagrams and step-by-step guides for drawing them.

2. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces: This lesson explains the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces and how they affect an object's motion.

3. Static Equilibrium: This lesson demonstrates how equilibrium is achieved when two opposing forces are equal.4. Friction and Inclined Planes: This lesson covers frictional forces and explains how free body diagrams help understand inclined planes.


In conclusion, free body diagrams are essential tools in understanding physics and engineering problems. Khan Academy offers outstanding resources that provide in-depth insights into drawing and understanding free body diagrams. By mastering these diagrams, you'll gain the confidence to tackle any related problems that come your way!

Comparing Free Body Diagram in Khan Academy to other Educational Platforms


When it comes to learning physics, Free Body Diagram (FBD) is one of the most important concepts that students must master. It allows them to understand how external forces affect objects and how they can analyze the motion of objects. There are various educational platforms that offer free body diagram courses for students such as Khan Academy, Coursera, and edX. In this comparison blog, we will be comparing Free Body Diagram in Khan Academy to other online educational platforms.


There are many similarities between Free Body Diagram courses in Khan Academy and other online educational platforms. For instance, all of these platforms provide full-length lectures with detailed information and examples. Students who enroll in these courses have access to quizzes, assignments, and exams to test their knowledge. All of these platforms also offer a wide range of physics resources that students can use to further their study, including videos, textbooks, simulations, and interactive activities.


While there are similarities between different educational platforms, there are also many differences. One major difference between Khan Academy and other platforms is the amount of interaction with instructors. Khan Academy provides students with an opportunity to get personalized feedback from instructors and to ask questions in real-time. Other platforms may not offer as much interaction or support from instructors. Another difference is the cost factor. While Khan Academy is entirely free, other platforms charge a fee for students to enroll in courses or obtain certifications.

Khan Academy Free Body Diagram Course Overview

Khan Academy's Free Body Diagram course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to FBD, including the fundamental concepts, such as force and acceleration, and how to draw and analyze diagrams effectively. This course comprises multiple sections, each containing video lectures with supplementary reading material and quizzes to reinforce learning. Additionally, Khan Academy offers interactive exercises and a problem-solving module that focuses on applying FBD to real-life physics problems.

Coursera Free Body Diagram Course Overview

Coursera's Free Body Diagram course is part of its Physics: Classical Mechanics Specialization program. This course presents FBD from the Newtonian perspective and includes topics such as Newton's laws of motion and momentum. Students who enroll in this course can expect to learn through video lectures, readings, and graded assessments. However, there is no personal interaction between the learners and instructors, and the course fee is $49.

edX Free Body Diagram Course Overview

edX offers many physics courses, including Introduction to Mechanics, which covers Free Body Diagram. Unlike Khan Academy and Coursera, edX charges a fee for certification or for full access to the course content. The course consists of lecture videos, interactive simulations, forum discussion boards, and graded assignments. The course takes approximately 10-12 weeks to complete, and students who successfully complete the course receive an MITx certificate.

Comparison Table

Feature Khan Academy Coursera edX
Personalized feedback from instructors Yes No Limited
Cost Free $49 Certification fee
Course Length Self-paced 4-5 weeks 10-12 weeks
Interactive Content Exercises and problem-solving modules None Simulations and interactive exercises


After researching and comparing Khan Academy's Free Body Diagram course to other educational platforms, it is clear that Khan Academy offers the most comprehensive and inclusive learning experience for students. It provides personalized feedback from instructors, has no course fee, and offers interactive learning materials that help students learn more effectively. While Coursera and edX have their own unique features, they fall short when it comes to incentives for student engagement and support.


Overall, Free Body Diagram courses are fundamental in the study of physics. Whether you choose to learn through Khan Academy, Coursera, or edX, you are sure to gain a strong foundation in this area. However, for those learners seeking more individual support and interactive resources, Khan Academy seems to be the best option.

Understand the basics of Free Body Diagram with Khan Academy


Free Body Diagrams (FBD) are graphical representations that help us understand the forces acting on an object. It is used mainly in physics and engineering and is considered an essential tool to solve various problems related to mechanics. Learning FBD can be challenging, but with the help of Khan Academy, you can quickly master it.

What is a Free Body Diagram?

A free-body diagram is a graphical representation of all the forces acting on an object. These forces can be contact forces or non-contact forces, such as gravity, friction, tension, etc. The diagram shows the direction and magnitude of each force, and how they interact with the object under consideration.

Why Are Free Body Diagrams Important?

Free Body Diagrams are essential because they help us to understand the forces acting on an object. By studying the diagram, we can easily determine the net force acting on the object, and this information is critical to solving any problem related to mechanics.

Step by Step Guide to Drawing Free Body Diagrams

To draw a free body diagram, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Object Under Consideration

Before drawing the FBD, identify the object under consideration. This will help you determine the forces acting on the object.

Step 2: Show the Forces

Show all the forces acting on the object. This may include gravitational forces, normal forces, frictional forces or applied forces. Choose an appropriate scale and arrow length to show the direction and magnitude of the forces.

Step 3: Label the Forces

Label all the forces accurately. Use letters like F for force, N for normal force, etc., and write them near the arrows representing the forces.

Step 4: Determine the Net Force

Determine the net force acting on the object by adding all the forces.

Step 5: Draw Coordinates

Draw the coordinate system if it helps with calculations.

Example Problems Using Free Body Diagrams

Here are some example problems you can solve using Free Body Diagrams:

Example 1: Calculating Tension and Friction

Suppose a box weighing 50N is placed on an incline plane that makes an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal. A rope pulling the box makes an angle of 60 degrees with the incline plane, and there is friction between the box and the plane. Find the tension in the rope and the frictional force.Solution:Draw a diagram and show all the forces acting on the box. The forces include weight, normal force, tension, and friction. Use angles to determine the direction of forces. Use trigonometry to calculate the magnitude of the forces.

Example 2: Analyzing Forces in Elevator

Suppose a person stands on a scale in an elevator that is accelerating upwards. Find the reading on the scale.Solution:Draw a diagram and show all the forces acting on the person. The forces include weight, normal force, and force due to acceleration. Use Newton's second law to calculate the force due to acceleration and add it to the person's weight to get the reading on the scale.

Closing Thoughts

Free Body Diagrams are great tools that allow us to understand the forces acting on an object. By drawing these diagrams and analyzing them, we can solve many problems related to mechanics. Khan Academy provides great resources for learning about Free Body Diagrams, making it easier for anyone to master this vital component of physics and engineering. With regular practice, you can easily grasp this concept, solve problems with ease and excel in physics and engineering.

Understanding Free Body Diagrams with Khan Academy

Welcome, dear blog visitors! Have you ever struggled to understand how different forces are acting on a body? Or perhaps you're learning about Newton's laws of motion and are confused about how to draw free body diagrams? Worry not! In this article, we'll explore the concept of free body diagrams and how Khan Academy can be an excellent resource for mastering this topic.

But before we dive in, let's first understand what free body diagrams are. A free body diagram is a visual representation of all the forces that act on an object. It helps us understand how these forces are interacting with each other and the object in question.

Now, you may be wondering, why are free body diagrams essential? Well, they play a crucial role in the study of mechanics, as they help us analyze the motion of objects. By knowing and understanding the forces acting on an object, we can predict its behavior under different conditions.

However, drawing a free body diagram can be tricky, especially for beginners. You need to identify all the forces acting on an object and represent them in the correct direction and magnitude. This is where Khan Academy comes to the rescue!

Khan Academy is an online learning platform that offers video lectures, tutorials, and exercises on a wide range of topics, including physics. The best part? It's entirely free! If you search for 'free body diagrams' on Khan Academy's website, you'll find numerous resources that will help you understand this concept.

The videos on Khan Academy are particularly helpful in explaining how to draw free body diagrams. The instructors use easy-to-understand language and work through examples step-by-step. You can also pause and rewind the videos if you need more time to digest the information.

Furthermore, Khan Academy also offers practice exercises that allow you to apply what you've learned. You'll find a variety of problems that focus on different aspects of free body diagrams, such as drawing diagrams for objects on a slope or finding the net force acting on an object.

But wait, there's more! Khan Academy even has interactive simulations that allow you to visualize the effect of different forces on an object. For example, you can see how the gravitational force changes as you move an object closer or further away from the earth.

Another great thing about Khan Academy is that it offers personalized learning. You can create an account and track your progress through the various physics topics, including free body diagrams. Plus, if you get stuck on a question, you can use the 'hints' feature to get a nudge in the right direction.

In conclusion, mastering the concept of free body diagrams is essential if you want to understand how objects move. Fortunately, Khan Academy offers an excellent resource for learning this topic. From videos to exercises to simulations, there's something for everyone. So go ahead, give it a try, and see how much you can learn!

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We hope you found it helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to leave us a comment below. Happy learning!

FAQs about Free Body Diagram Khan Academy

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Free Body Diagram?

A free body diagram is a tool used in physics and engineering to show the forces acting on an object. It is a simple diagram that shows the object as a dot and the forces acting on it as arrows. The arrows represent the direction and magnitude of the force, and are labeled with the corresponding force name.

What is Khan Academy?

Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization that offers free online educational courses in various subjects, including physics. They provide video tutorials, practice problems, and quizzes to help students learn at their own pace.

Does Khan Academy offer Free Body Diagram tutorials?

Yes, Khan Academy offers free video tutorials and practice problems on Free Body Diagrams. The tutorials cover the basics of Free Body Diagrams, including how to identify the forces acting on an object and how to draw a proper diagram.

Who can benefit from learning about Free Body Diagrams?

Free Body Diagrams are a fundamental concept in physics and engineering, so anyone studying these fields can benefit from learning about them. However, they can also be useful in other areas such as architecture, mechanics, or any field that involves understanding the forces acting on an object.

Are there any prerequisites to learning about Free Body Diagrams?

It is recommended that one has a basic understanding of physics concepts such as vectors, forces, and Newton's laws before learning about Free Body Diagrams.

Can Free Body Diagrams be used in real-world applications?

Yes, Free Body Diagrams are used extensively in real-world applications in various fields such as engineering, architecture, and physics. They are used to design structures, analyze forces acting on objects, and solve real-world problems related to forces and motion.

Are there any resources other than Khan Academy for learning about Free Body Diagrams?

Yes, there are many other online resources available for learning about Free Body Diagrams, including textbooks, other educational websites, and video tutorials on platforms such as YouTube.